Piano lessons will normally run from September (after Labor Day) through the end of July. Students are expected to take lessons throughout that time as their schedules
permit. Beginning after Labor Day, my schedule will follow that of the Granville school system. If Granville schools are in session, I will be teaching. If the schools have
a holiday or vacation, then I will not be teaching. In June, after school is out, I will work out a new schedule with you for the summer months. Please make every effort to
drop off and pick up your children on time (especially if they have the first or last lesson of my teaching day).

If you know ahead of time that you have a conflict at your lesson time, please check the schedule page on this website to see if there is another student with whom you
might be able to arrange a trade. Telephone numbers are posted to make it easier for you to contact each other.

If you must cancel the lesson completely for the week, you will not be charged for it if you let me know by 6:00 P.M. the day before your lesson. Any same day cancellation will be charged as a regular lesson (unless it is due to illness). I will try to provide a make-up when possible.

If Granville cancels afternoon and evening activities due to snow, I will cancel lessons. I do not charge for any lessons cancelled due to snow!

Lessons are paid for by the month. Your balance for the month will vary with the number of lessons scheduled. Payment for the month is due on the first lesson of each
month. Any music or supplies I purchase for you can be paid for at the beginning of the following month. I will send out monthly email invoices, to help keep everything
on track.

Fees for any special events in which you decide to participate will be due at various times throughout the year, depending on the entry deadline for each event. (Guild
and Festival Fees are generally due by the first week of January.) I will try to give you as much notice as possible for each event.

Please add to your email contact list, as I often use American Greetings to send messages.